This ultrasound was obviously an amazing experience, but it had a more serious purpose. At my 20 week ultrasound they found that my placenta is covering my cervix, which is called placenta previa. Today's ultrasound was to check and see if the placenta has moved away from my cervix or not. Unfortunately it moved, but not enough. This means that if it doesn't move completey in the next 4 weeks I will need to have a c-section by week 38. This has its positives and negatives, but I know no matter what happens it is for a purpose!
Things are starting to feel more real! From kicks and movements almost constantly, to swelling almost everywhere on my body, I am starting to realize that there is actually a baby in there! Good thing because ALL of these body changes would be one scary thing without a little baby to look forward to! =) I am looking forward to my baby showers as well, once again I think they will help me see that this is really happening and it is not just an amazing dream!
Our plan for the rest of this month is to finish up our birthing classes, start working on decorating the nursery, and spend some quality time together before the surreal/craziness begins!
You still look gorgeous as ever! Cannot WAIT to meet the lil munchkin and float on the pool in palm springs with you all :) Sending my love and prayers! xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Kels! The pool is definitely calling our names!! Can't wait for Ryker to meet you! xoxo
ReplyDeleteNana is SO excited to get a sneak peak at the lil' Slugger! Hang in there mommy, you are doing great!
ReplyDeleteI love the ultrasound pictures! You are right! It does look like he is praying! What a beautiful baby he will be!