Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sneek Peek!

Just to torture you a little! We had this note along with a picture in the envelope for us! Anthony looked at it first and told me! I loved hearing it come from his mouth instead of the Dr.'s! A moment I will always remember!

Here is our perfect little baby!

All 10 fingers and toes!

Here is my belly at 20 weeks! Don't judge on how sick I look, pasty white plus being sick= not too flattering! =) Just focus on the belly!


  1. OOOHHHH he/she is beautiful!!!! Counting the days no minutes before Nana knows :-)

  2. Okay how much longer until you can share the news?!?! We all know you want to spill the beans, it is okay, you can do it!!!! -Melanie-
