This morning a small act of kindness happened to my son that made me think of another act of kindness I witnessed a few weeks ago, I was so touched by both I wanted to share. Lets start with this morning:
Ryker is quickly becoming a boy in every way! He loves to push his cars around making "car" noises, wrestle, run, climb, and do, well just about anything, to injure himself. One thing he loves is watching real people in action. We have yard service in our neighborhood every Wednesday, and Ryker will try to find the nearest window to sit and stare. Mind you, he is still too short to see out our windows, so someone gets to lift him up and watch the action with him. He will not move until "his buddies" are out of sight. This morning, the garbage man came through our neighborhood. As soon as Ryker heard the loud truck, his eyes got wide and a big goofy grin stretched across his face! He gave me the look, you know the mommy I want up look. So of course I quickly obliged! I decided to take it one step further today and actually walk outside, still in our pajamas and messy hair, so he can really get an up close look. The garbage man saw us watching as he pulled up to our house and instead of ignoring Rykers excited interested face, he smiled and gave a big wave! Being so excited myself that he waved, I began waving back as if he was a celebrity in a parade! Ryker still watching intently on the work at hand stared blankly at him. Once he unloaded our dirty diaper filled garbage, he turned around and waved again! At this point I couldn't let such a kind gesture go unnoticed, I quickly grabbed Ryker's hand and waved it myself back at him. Yes this is something so small, but in the eyes of my little boy, he looks at community helpers as heros, and who doesn't want to get a wave (or two) from their hero.

Using Mommy's sweater as a cape!

Here is what happened a few weeks ago on our vacation. On our last night of our family vacation we went out to the new, Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Mirage. Again, reiterating that Ryker is quite an active boy, once he is done eating he wants to move! So, while Anthony and parents finished up, I took Ryker outside to walk around. Anthony met up with us as we walked down the street to the main road where Ryker was drawn to all of the cars zooming by. We sat on the corner and pointed at different cars and commenting on colors and size, when we soon heard sirens. Ryker excited but a little apprehensive, looked around to find the noise, while clinging on to me. A firetruck quickly appeared lucky for us it was heading for our street, so we could get a closer look. The Firefighters spotted Ryker and quickly turned off their sirens, JUST FOR RYKER! We were so impressed! But before we could walk away we heard more sirens and right behind was an ambulance. Again they saw Ryker and they too turned off their sirens, but they went a step further, rolled down their window and waved and smiled at Ryker as they quickly sped off to the actual emergency. Ryker was so excited and clapped and giggled. Anthony and I were so touched by their gesture we couldn't stop talking about how such a simple act of kindness could not only touch a small little boy's heart, but two grown adults' too!
I wanted to share these, purely to remind you that just a kind smile will make a person's day, or a simple wave. Be like Ryker's community heros and be kind especially when you aren't expected to be.
Playing in the pool, and stopping to watch the maintenance crew
Eating spaghetti at The Old Spaghetti Factory!